McCarthy Election Flyer: Compare the candidates on Fernald, Accreditation, State Funding for WHS, Beaver St. Bridge and Union Contracts

Union Contracts



  State Rep. and City Councillor Stanley
All school union contracts are up to date. All were agreed to without outside mediation or arbitration. Goes to union meetings, but never asks Mayor or city bargaining agent what the issues are.


All 9 municipal contracts are up to date.
 As a City Councillor doesn’t offer to help!
Fire union went to state arbitration for 2 contracts. First decision issued on Oct. 11, 2013; Second decision issued on May 28, 2015. Offers no solutions to Departments’ issues.
Police (patrol and superiors) filed for arbitration on the first contract. Patrol decision issued on May 19, 2015. Offers no plan to balance all unions’ demands.
Library union and dispatchers union filed for state mediation and both were resolved. Politicizes issues.
Once patrol and second fire decision were issued, police superiors’ and second patrol contracts were settled in Waltham. Takes big $ from local and state unions.
All other union contracts (laborers, middle managers, mechanics and traffic supervisors) were resolved in Waltham, without outside mediation or arbitration. 


There were some contentious issues that had to be resolved.


Police Issues

Reasonable notice to Dept: if not coming into work; to sign up for details; and to use time owed (compensatory time). Mayor/Trustees/Dept. were trying to keep the library open on weekends in the summer.


 Contract had to be changed to allow City to hire people for weekends.
Often Dept. has to scramble to fill shifts with last minute notice that officer is not coming in.  


On-duty officers are held back from going home until a replacement officer can be found. Union Demands
Officer safety and public safety involved. First contract $5+ million (3 yrs.)

State Arbitration Panel / Patrol Contract

 Second contract $7+ million (3 yrs.) (City had cost at $6+ million) $11+ million demand for 166 firefighters over 6 year period.

State Arbitration Panel / Patrol Contract

16 hrs advance notice now required to sign up for details. Those demands are not sustainable to the Waltham taxpayers. Cost of Arbitrator award 1st contract $1.27 million; Arbitrator award 2nd contract $3.04 million. (Cost with compounding)
Chief has sole discretion to use all page system to fill shifts.  
After patrol arbitration decision, patrol, superiors and Chief agreed to 4 hours advance notice to use time owed. 


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